In China, giant wasps are attacking people and doing many victims. More than 1600 people have been attacked in three months in which 42 people have died 205 were hospitalized.
The Asian wasp known as Giant Hornet, is the largest in the world.
The explanation of the recent attacks, would be that with the extinction of certain wasp predators such as certain birds or spiders, linked to climate change as the high abnormal heat in these last months that are the wasps specially nervous.
They mainly attack people who are running. In group, the wasp is known to be a ruthless hunter, the giant hornet attacks typically large insects like crickets and bees and is able to tear the heads of insects in a few seconds with their massive jaws.
The venom of the wasp and it's sting are extremely painful, and deaths are usually caused by an allergic reaction to the venom.
Watch this video of a battle between giant hornet bees and european bees
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