Help your Child Develop a Healthy and Strong Self-Esteem
Self-esteem relates to how each individual perceives
himself, his thoughts and feelings and the value one assigns himself.
Self-esteem isn't shaped only by our's
own perceptions and expectations, but also by the perceptions and
expectations of significant others around us, undergoing, naturally, changes
over time.
At any age, the way we feel about ourselves affects how we act in our day-to-day. If we think about a stage where we feel very good about ourselves we can also notice that it is easier dealing with our friends, family and problems.
Thus, self-esteem is one of the most important bases for the well being of the child and your key to a happier and positive adulthood.
For parents, there are important tips that help their children develop a sense of self-esteem and positive
self-image in a way that is Healthy from a balanced and relational point of view.
In fact, most parents do it without really realizing it, through small gestures or words that have a very strong impact on how the child or teen feels about himself.
Here are some tips:
Give independence to your child:
This autonomy will allow him to achieve small successes, alone, worthy of attention, value and proud from those who surround him, and thus strengthening the development of his self-esteem.
Transmit comfort to the image your child has of himself:
The children will learn gradually that someone is able to make things happen, to relate to others, and is someone who deserves value.
Develop a realistic understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your child:
It is important that a realistic development of self-esteem by valuing his qualities, but also recognition of flaws, always intent on working the weakest points. Self-confidence is crucial in the development of self-esteem.
Develop a positive approach to your child with regard to rules and discipline:
In fact, all children must take responsibility for their behavior and for that, parents should adopt a positive and regulatory role rather than a disciplinarian and punisher one.
Play with your child:
The moments of play are fundamental for parents to invest in the relationship with their children and make him feel valued, giving importance to his feelings and making him feel accomplished and loved.
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