Saturday, August 9, 2014

Meditation for Children... Why?


  Meditation is currently gaining ground in the work with children. For us adults, this tool is present in practically all philosophies and available therapeutic processes. 
This is due to the simplicity of the act, but also the depth of inner consciousness that it gives us.

   It was recently carried out a study by the University of California, in collaboration with Mindful Schools, which shows the unquestionable benefits of this practice on children's behavior. Points assessed as "paying attention", "the ability to calm down" and "show attention and care for others", have significantly higher levels on children who practice mindfulness, sometimes only after 4 hours.

- Teaching This Practice - 
     Teaching children to practice meditation is a gradual act, ranging from telling stories containing elements of the child's world, to Zen meditation, where the ability to be sitting quietly and concentrating on breathing allows us a deep sense of relaxation and emptying the mind. To understand the benefits and meditation to children themselves, start by thinking about us, adults.

       Firstly, it should be remembered that the positive effects come from a regular practice. It is this regularity and habit that changes the way we respond to everyday situations we live.

     Anyone who has tried or practices meditation knows the transformation that takes place at the level of our inner consciousness. Therefore, and because children are the adults of tomorrow, strengthening this "tool" from an early age is an antidote to the physical and emotional malaise that, in its various forms, affects society.

"Children enjoy the practice and have positive results"

    Quoting The Dalai Lama: "If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation." can be proven by recent data, as mentioned above, shows the benefits in well-being and relating with others. This is because relating with others is a result of the relationship with ourselves, and in a meditation practice for children, the focus is also on the transmission of forms of expression, care and a more conscious and healthy way to relate with others.

 "If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation." - The Dalai Lama

     Children respond to meditation in a very positive way, and naturally appreciate this practice.

    As concentration being the most developed aspect by meditation, the benefits to school performance are also high.

     Using on meditation as a tool, we can work with children at different levels of extreme importance as the development of self-esteem and self-confidence, focus on the positive and happier ways of being and relating, expressing feelings, being more aware of their own emotions, having a greater respect for others, a more assertive communication and less defensive, aggressive, anxious and agitated, among others. A final point is that we can lighten the case of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

What do you think about it? What you think about this practice by children?
Share your opinion in the Comments!


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